attention readers.


I seem to have gotten a lot of new readers over the past few weeks, many of whom read and comment regularly. I’d like to start by saying that I’m flattered! The blog started as a way to express myself, to explore my creativity through something I’m interested in, and it gradually morphed into a way for me to understand myself better, often with the help of others’ insight.

I’d like to learn a bit more about my readers and learn what kind of people are reading the blog. Those of you that have links to your own blogs, I want you to know that I read them all. So I ask a favor of you:

I’m beginning a new page that will list anyone who’s interested with a small blurb about themselves and their interests sexually. I won’t list e-mail addresses or websites unless asked. I will represent each person by an icon that is either selected by the user or randomly generated based on the e-mail address that you give on your comments. The new page will be linked on the top of the blog and will be continuously updated as I get new information from each of you.

Here’s how it will work:

  1. Reply to this post at any time. Later, you will be able to comment directly on the page.
  2. Your comment should list a name (blog names, pseudonyms or actual names are fine. For example, I would be “Slutty Duckling.”)
  3. Write a few sentences about yourself and interests and maybe why you read the blog. Love it or hate it, I want to hear about it. So another example, I would say what’s listed in the about me section: My relative age, location, and sexual interests — anything you’re comfortable with!)
  4. The avatar that wordpress uses for you will be assigned to you and listed next to your name.

Participation is, of course, optional but greatly appreciated. Additionally, you are welcome to tell me about yourself and ask that it be kept private and I will not list you on the readers page.

Thank you for your participation, and even more so, thank you for your loyalty.

-Slutty Duckling.

3 Responses to “attention readers.”

  1. I remember clicking through from my stat page to your blog because someone had found me via yours — the first clickthrough. I started my blog as a private space to think and try to be honest with my evolution and emotions, but still got a thrill when I visited and saw you had listed me on your blogroll.

    I have been thinking about writing of late. Anyone can write, but few can express and inspire feeling and thought. You belong firmly in the latter and it’s why I visit regularly.

    ~ thedirtyblonde

  2. 2 Nadia

    I just discovered your blog when it came up in my site stats (thanks to someone clicking my link in the last sugasm). I plan to read some more. 🙂

  3. 3 swingerwife

    I just found your blog today and am working my way through your archives. I am totally hooked. You are incredibly introspective and I love that you aren’t afraid of exploring your sexual boundaries. I am a fan. Did I mention that your entries get me seriously hot too? Nice going…

    My husband and I recently became swingers and are exploring the lifestyle bit by bit. We are really, really enjoying ourselves. For me, it has very much been a time of sexual awakening in myself. I can’t stop thinking about sex now and how much swinging has changed my perspective on my sexuality. Its totally empowering and very much a turn on of gigantic proportions.

    I am in my mid 30’s and live on the East Coast.

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